Mediterranean (noun) - the land surrounding the Mediterranean Sea including the southern part of Europe and the northern part of Africa.

Mastication (verb) - to chew; biting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow.

Join me on this culinary adventure as I endeavour to chronicle my gorging habits whilst making my way along the Mediterranean encompassing Morocco, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece & Turkey, with a pit stop at Oktoberfest in Munich on the way home for good measure!

I am going to attempt to visit the local markets, eat the regional specialties and even try to recreate some of the culinary delights within various hostel kitchens across southern Europe.

So sit back & enjoy whilst I try and whet your appetite from the other side of the world!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Croatian coastal cuisine

G'day Masticators,

I have just finished a week sailing along the Southern Dalmatian islands and coastline of Croatia... and it was as tough as it sounds.
Eat, read, sunbake, eat, swim, read, drink, eat. Repeat.

Cuisine from the Croatian coastal region is strongly influenced by Mediterranean Italy with the widespread use of olive oil (++), garlic, fresh seafood and herbs. The amount of variety of pizzas & pastas available are almost as common as anywhere within the Italian borders, however seeing as I was on the coast (and had already OD'd on pizza & pasta in Italy - see previous post!) I was determined to make the most of the fresh & varied seafood on offer.

Dalmatian cured ham & local cheeses - obviously very similar to Italian antipasti

Octopus salad

Seafood Spaghetti - including prawns, scampi & mussels - so fresh, so tasty!

Stuffed squid with vegetables & chips (they were stuffed with a crab meat and rice filling - yummo!)

Grilled squid served with swiss chard (Silverbeet) & potatoes

Grilled sea bream and potatoes

Seafood platter

Fruit and fish markets in Omis

Soparnik - a Croatian swiss chard pie baked under hot ashes and rubbed with olive oil and garlic, often prepared for special occasions i.e. weddings.

Apple Strudel - Austrian influence continues to be strong within the pastries, as Croatia once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian empire (1867–1918).

Pivo = beer. I might have sampled one or two.

Red wine and sunset, Mljet National Park

I am en-route to Greece tomorrow so get yourselves ready for some mezze, moussaka & feta overload!
- CW x

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